What scientist can be considered the most popular in the world?
Who is the most popular man in the world now? Read the information below
to learn more about the most famous people of our planet.
Who is the most famous person in the world?
Among the most famous persons of the world, there are scientific, talented directors, historic figures, politicians, and unsurpassed actors. They are known in many countries. There are disputes about the most famous person in the world. It is difficult to say who the most famous person in the world ever is. But we have created the list of these people in different spheres. The thing is that such a person constantly changes and the one popular now may be out of sight tomorrow. The considerable contributions to science make scientists and outstanding scientific figures. In each field of science, there are a number of, especially honored, famous scientists. For example, speaking about psychology, it is necessary to remember Sigmund Freud who has pulled together such concepts as treatment and research in practice. In psychological concepts, he has managed to explain human behavior for the first time. Exactly thanks to his principles and conclusions, the comprehensive theory of the personality based on observation has arisen.Other most famous psychologist is Carl Jung. Studying at university, he specialized in psychiatry. There are many of his followers not only among physicians but also among philosophers. The American physicist who has created an atomic bomb is Robert Oppenheimer. Creating it, he didn't assume that he would become the witness of the considerable number of the victims caused by it in Nagasaki and in Hiroshima. He is considered not only the creator of an atomic bomb, but also an opener of black holes of the Universe.
The outstanding design engineer whose dream was a conquest of space is Sergei Korolev. He was the first man on Earth who has launched satellites, spaceships, scientific stations onto a planet orbit. The significant scientist-biologist thanks to whom the world has learned about penicillin is Sir Alexander Fleming. His opening is one of the most important made by scientists in the twentieth century. Most likely, there is no such person who would know nothing about Albert Einstein. This scientist-physicist has developed a number of physical theories, has written nearly three hundred scientific works. He is a founder of modern theoretical physics. The list of the most famous scientists could be continued. It is rather difficult to choose the most significant people among outstanding ones those whose contribution to the development of science is the greatest.
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Who is the most famous celebrity in the world?
Speaking about a film world and about the famous actors, we often recall Charlie Chaplin's image. The image of the intellectual vagabond, which is thought up by him has pleased the taste of the audience and has made the actor the favorite of the public. He acted in silent cinema and has managed to play in 80 movies. Fans of cinema will call Johnny Depp, Al Pacino, Denzel Washington, Samuel L. Jackson and Robert De Niro among the most talented and famous actors in the world. The list of them won't do without such persons as Anthony Hopkins, Morgan Freeman, and Jean-Paul Belmondo.Speaking about the western cinema, it is necessary to remember names of such directors as the Emir Kusturica, Quentin Tarantino, James Cameron, George Lukas, and Luc Besson. The films shot by them are loved in many parts of the planet. There are many thrillers, which are considered as a standard, which was shot by Alfred Hitchcock. This director is called the Master of thrillers. Federico Fellini's movies submit the viewer special charming simplicity. One more glorified film director is Steven Spielberg. He is recognized as the most successful and most cashed cinema director in the history.
There are historical figures and politicians who have affected the course of history or have left a noticeable mark in it. One of such people is Mao Tse Tung and Karl Marx. Adolf Hitler who has begun terrible war has brought many sufferings to people. Franklin Roosevelt is considered a political star of America. He possesses the idea of the creation of the UN. It is necessary to remember Napoleon Bonaparte. In the nineteenth century, France became a super state thanks to this person. He is named the state and military genius.

There are a lot of opinions and many disputes about the one who is the most famous person in the world. Because of it is impossible to give the definite answer to this question. Many people consider that such person is Jesus Christ. It takes the central place in Christianity for the reason that it is considered as the Messiah, predicted in the Old Testament. People know him as an example of atoning sacrifice and as the person who has taken torments for sins of people. It is written not only in the Gospel about Jesus but also in other books of the New Testament and many other books in the world. There are hundreds of film shot about him too. According to theologians and religion researchers, he may be a real historic figure.
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